Saturday, October 30, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


it happens..
every moment,
every minute,
in every weird times,
while driving,
washing dishes,
doing laundry,
in lectures!

dreamer dreamer!
wake up! come back to reality!

that is when the lecturer starts calling my name..

pfttt! :p

P/S: because basically my dream was only about YOU.

bubbles, sky, me and you.

nak main ni..

dengan you :)


the only thing I wish love,
is if we.. had spend some time together back then.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

November is a sweetie

Shocked, but still. this is absolutely me. huh!

(some facts I get from random post by friends in FB)

People who born in November is..

Stubborn and hard-hearted. - hoooo. memang. ada batu dudok ini dalam.

Strong-willed and highly motivated. - yes i am!

Sharp thoughts. - ngeee. ye kot. kadang2 blur jugak.

Easily angered. - sometimes. darah panas.

Attracts others and loves attention. - everybody does. duhhh. maybe because i do a lot of talking kan. of coz i love attention. xkan nak ckp sorg2 pulokkkk. :P

Deep feelings. - yes, yes, yes.

Beautiful physically and mentally. - hehehe. tanak la masuk bakul angkat sndr plak kan. ngeee :D

Firm Standpoint. - yeszaaa. wen i dont want, i dont want la! :P

Needs no motivation. - sometimes, terlebeyh motivated. sometimes seek, n hunger for one jugak.

Shy towards opposite sex. - hahaha. ye ke? ye la kot. dulu lagi terokkk.

Easily consoled. -haah! memang pon. hmm :)) well pleased..

Systematic (left brain). - kadang2. i kinda know.. what to do next after another. tp macam kelam kabot je dunia aku. hehehe.

Loves to dream. - sangattttt. banyak sgt tgk TV kot. :P chix flick! chix flick!

Strong clairvoyance. - emmm.. i donno what dis means. cud some one tell me? hikhik :p

Understanding. - i do, but not particularly THEM. because they came from a TOTALLY different planet. PLANET PELIK!

Sickness usually in the ear and neck. - haah haah. y eh? ear salu berdenggung. hmmm..

Good imagination. - hahaha. sangat. terlebeyh2. :p

Good physical. - ok kot. but pancit jugak kkdg2. strong will, but badan cannot stand. hmm. end up demam n saket.

Weak breathing. - yes i do! i have sinus. therefore, not enuf oxygen = kapla pon peninggg. blood circulation pon up side down.

Loves literature and the arts.- YJEAHHH!

Loves travelling - DOUBLE JYEAHHH!

Dislike being at home. - kaki jalan jugak. but, i think im kinda homey i guess. i love to stay at home watch TV and cook meals.

Restless. - emmmm, yes i do :(

having many children.- HAHAHA. memang pon. baru la meriah! i love kidssssss :p

Hardworking. - ble semangat ITU sudah datanggg.

High spirited. - yang ini, name dia, enthusiasticcccccc... ble bercerita. AHAHA. :D lompat2! lari2! gelak kuat2! high spirited la tu. kan?

:p end of story.

dis is basically about...



Musik dari seberang.

Im not being someone who doesnt love their own country. I do indeed. Just that some bands from the other side sounds so damn GREAT. Music clean, English lyric - perfecto!

Tak lame pon bunyi dia.

Macam band ini, osem! Sumpah macam Radiohead.

Cuba la donlod kat sini, kalo nak try dengar.

P/S: Highly recommended for those who has same music souls as mine :D have fun listening!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

what about yours?

this is some of mine,
my favourite..

i "fool" you. (once upon a time)

So, every time you felt like one my friend,
don't bother,
this is called 'process' or 'system',
this is how things work,

happens when you're in IT.


no, i dont want.

like others, like mine.

when love is only a feeling.


then that I had realize,
and there's no point of being regret,
when love is only a feeling.

hi peeps, meet my guy :)

si kuyus yang tak berapa nak fit. tgk tummy dia, ade terlebeyh2 kuar. kiut!!! :P

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

girls just wanna have fun!


long hours in flight?

bagus untuk mereka yg kreatip.. dan bosan. HARHARHAR.

let's (english) meraki (not english) !

dream job.


After all ups and downs in life, god had reward me, with something that is quite flattered, and amusing. Soon I will start my practical studies. In someplace farrrrrr, yet amazing. Placed in a department that ive been dreaming to, wish to work in, when there is a lot of talking, presenting, and communicating. Thanx to Bapak, with the recommendation.

So Ainiah,

shud i?

truth to believe..
love to keep..
wisdom to stand for..
and.. you..


kerajaan Allah.

tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia,
Yang Tetap hidup,
Yang Kekal selama-lamanya mentadbirkan (sekalian makhlukNya).
Yang tidak mengantuk usahkan tidur.
Yang memiliki segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi.
Tiada sesiapa yang dapat memberi syafaat (pertolongan) di sisiNya melainkan dengan izinNya.
yang mengetahui apa yang ada di hadapan mereka dan apa yang ada di belakang mereka, sedang mereka tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun dari (kandungan) ilmu Allah melainkan apa yang Allah kehendaki (memberitahu kepadanya).
Luasnya Kursi Allah (ilmuNya dan kekuasaanNya) meliputi langit dan bumi; dan tiadalah menjadi keberatan kepada Allah menjaga serta memelihara keduanya.
Dan Dia lah Yang Maha Tinggi (darjat kemuliaanNya), lagi Maha Besar (kekuasaanNya).


indeed, powerful guarded and deep meaning...

goodnyte peeps :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

bercinta tanpa janji.

Bercinta tanpa janji,
Tanpa tahu maksud hati,
Berdiri sendiri, hanya menunggu hari,
Hanya dapat sabar menanti,
Bila dapat mengisi, kekosongan di hati,
Kerana takut tinggal sendiri.

Kau tidak pernah ada disisi,
Terus kuigau kucupan di pipi,

Berpegang tangan, mengengam jari,
Senangnya hati walau tidak tahu ke mana pergi,

Sampai bila harus ku nanti,
Diriku si buta, berjalan tanpa tahu malam atau pagi,
Bertemankan gerak hati,
Aku hanya, bercinta tanpa janji.

Inspired by :

kau masih berdiri kaku
harapan mati
panas terik dihati
melihat kau begini
hanya menuding jari

aku terus berjalan
namun tetap menunggu
zaman yang buta warna
terima tanpa beza
senyum tanpa curiga :)

lelapkan lah mataku
hilangkan ragu
tiupkan lah nyawaku
jangan kau
tidur tiada mimpi
hanya seperti
bercinta tanpa janji

mengapa kau bersahaja?
kemana perginya
akal yang istimewa
pendirian dipuja
semua tersedia

kaku - liyana fizi

Sunday, October 17, 2010


So soon, dont fade.
because I had always stay,
missing, and waiting for you.

So soon, dont fade,
because I had always here,
to grow, and be with you.

So soon, dont fade,
because I had always love,
dreaming of me holding on you.