Laaaa.. dh kenape tak nak makan? Bukan kau suka makan?
diarrhea diarrhea diarrhea!
Dh nak dekat sebulan dh. Haiyo. rugi duit bli makanan. Last skali membuang je. Penat la mcm ni. Haaa. Badan pon dh sekeping, muke dh cengkong. Air dalam badan dh mula tade. Kejap-kejap kang demam. Haiyo haiyo. Tak larat dah. Nak pegi hospital ke, masok ayor? Urghhh.. tamao2. Busan busan. Kematu pungkoq duduk kat kerusi keras dekat emergency wad tu. I've been there. Tamao susah kan mak bapak saya. Choi choi. Dengan itu!
Cure Diarrhea - 3 Ways To Cure Diarrhea
1. Firstly, people suffering from diarrhea have several misconceptions. They think that if they drink too much water, it will increase their diarrhea problems. This is a big misconception. In fact, when you are under diarrhea treatment, drinking water and other fluids is very important in order to compensate your body for the lost fluids. In addition to drinking water, you also need to take fruit juices, soft fruits, and vegetables in order to give your body the required amount of electrolytes.
Fruits? Vege? Ai like. My fren dh habaq dh. Asek terlupa mau pegi bli buah. Pasni kena makan buah and minum friut juice.
2. Another way to cure diarrhea is by drinking a glass of fruit juice with a pinch of salt and one teaspoonful of honey (or one tablespoonful of sugar) added to it. Non-caffeinated drinks are also good for diarrhea. If you follow this route be sure to drink at least one glass of water containing one-quarter teaspoon of baking soda in order to compensate your body for the lost electrolytes.
Glass of juice + salt+honey. I'll work this out. Doctor dh bg air garam tamao amik. Tasedap la yg itu! Haaa. Nak bwat sendiri. Gedik!
Non-caffeinated drinks? Tot that minum "teh pekat" can stop diarrhea meh? Tea got caffeine oso rite. Hmmmm..
3. Medicines are also a good way to cure diarrhea. If you want to cure diarrhea fast, you can take medicines such as loperamide (Imodium®) and bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol® and Kaopectate®). You don't need a doctor's prescription in order to buy these drugs. However, you need to be careful with these drugs. If your diarrhea gets worse even after two days, you should stop the consumption of these medicines.
One thing you should note is that you should NOT take these medications if your diarrhea is caused by bacteria. Because in case of bacterial diarrhea, the above-mentioned medications trap the bacteria inside the intestine which makes the problem worse. So, if your diarrhea is caused by bacteria, you should take antibiotics.
Haaaa.. medicine. Hehehe. Ubat? Hee :D Ade, ade. Been prescribing. But tertinggal rumah kawan. Dh saket baru mencari. Apa lah.
Well, wish me to 'GET WELL SOON'!
Salam :)