Sunday, May 15, 2011
now missing mine.
The moment I smiled,
Is what you had always dreamt about,
Of when your problem seems to fade.
I rememmber,
The moment I laughed,
Is the joy that we had,
Of where your eyes is there to stared.
I rememmber,
The moment I sing,
For all the songs was for you,
Of when your heart stop and stunned.
I rememmber,
The moment I cry,
For what I thought I had lose you,
Of when your arms tight wrapped around mine.
I rememmber,
The moment I walk,
You were there standing beside,
Of when your hand is grabbing mine.
I rememmber,
The moment we left,
You were there, can't stand looking,
Of when I hope your heart is now missing mine.
cepat-cepat jop!
Hujan lebat berhenti,
I know the rainbow is about to shine.
Cepat-cepat lah,
Sabar lah kejap,
Doa banyak-banyak k?
Cepat-cepat lah,
Pening dah berpusing,
I know the roller coaster ride is about to end.
Cepat-cepat lah,
Nak kembali tersenyum,
Pantai dah tunggu untuk aku berlari.
Cepat-cepat lah,
Hati ini dah kuat menahan,
Now it's time to let go.
Cepat-cepat lah,
Lepas ni dah boley menyanyi,
For the song is to celebrate mine.
invisible, you.
See you invisible,
So crash down your wall,
In your arms I should fall.
I want to see right through you,
See you in pretty and bad,
So crash down all your ego,
In your heart i should go.
I want to see right through you,
See you through rain and thunder,
So crash down all your price,
Your another half is belong to mine.
Monday, May 9, 2011
waiting for the end.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Your melodramatic instant sign
Is beyond my reach
Missing you is just too much
Why don’t you just figure it out?
You’re fading
And I’m still waiting
Those words that you wrote on the postcard
Is as cold as the winter chill
Seems to me it’s not a priority
It’s just another little sign
That you’re fading
And I’m still waiting
And you’ll fade away
Is all,
Won't you see the sign?
And sing, la la la...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Inshallah :)
“Allah has already written the names of your spouses for you. What you need to work on is your relationship with Allah. He will send her/him to you when you’re ready. It is only a matter of time.”
— | Sheikh Mamdouh (via zahgaf) |
Monday, April 11, 2011
kerenah diri.
Tapi sudah kasi makan.
Kepale rase macam nak reset,
Denyut-nye mak ai macam nak explode!
Oh hati please dont be sad,
It will again beautifully grew back.
Airmata please dont drop,
Save some for joy event.
Oh badan please be strong,
Sabaq, sabaq highly jump on those hurdles.
Close your mata,
And clear your minda,
Smile-lah sikit,
No more face like kena cubit! ;)
P/S: Kapla saket dari lastheweek. Apa ini, rasa macam mau picah saja. Ermm.. please be good. hee :D
Sunday, April 10, 2011
i want to do best what makes me smile.
happy monday morning!
Not so happy lah. Hmm.. Hari ni rase sgt vurnerable. Ntah kenapa. But, tak boleh layankan sgt perasaan. Binasa nanti.
Yup, sometimes nasib tak menyebelahi kte. Biasa lah ups and downs in life. We cannot expect things to be cool all the time. People still gonna gives you ton shits. And it takes forever to actually to not to think about it.
People we love.
And I know, they are doing at their best to make us happy. So jangan la sangka buruk. Sentiasa berdoa untuk ringankan beban mereka. Sesungguhnya mereka ada tanggungjawab pada diri sendiri dan dunia juga.
Whats best?
Put those fear away, and pray that help is on the way. Tak nak fikir yang the worse! Or something tragic will happen. Sabar, is the only key.
Memang, kddg2 memang emo. Tapi saya terkenal dengan sifat happy go-lucky, sentiasa tersenyum dan tergelak :) And im going to smile. Oh how I laugh to laugh and smile.
I'd quoted this to a friend before, this is how I had treat life sometimes..
"I shall take life as a comedy rather than drama, so it makes me feel better sometimes"
And yes, i had did this. For whatever tragic things that had happen to me, i laugh after i cried. Silly me. And so i know it's gonna be my day nanti. So, treated life the way you wanted it to be.
Note to myself: Semua orang tau kau kuat, semua tau kau tabah. Semua tau kau boley senyum balik, walaupun dah jatuh banyak kali. Cheers! You are loved, Ainiah ;)
P/S: I miss you.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
3 hari dia cari jawapan.
reminiscing, reminiscing, reminiscing..
Inshallah, If its god's will :)
"bantulah dia, ringankanlah bebannya, dengan doa kamu untuknya…." - (via jiwahati)
Have faith more, as god is willing to help.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Live on!

Learn to forgive,
and forget.
Learn to give,
and take.
Forget frowns,
Make more smiles.
Though inside might be tearing apart.
Learn to let go,
But never letting loose.
Forget pain,
Embrace happiness.
Never know what's gonna be paid for you,
For all that has been owed.
P/S: Whatever you are, always be a good one ;)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Reminiscing the good old times.
“I’m sorry if I’ve made your life more complicated. I’m sorry for a lot of things. But most of all I’m sorry I never got the chance to tell you that, no matter what happens next, I’ll never be anything but grateful for every moment I spent with you. Even though I keep fumbling for the right words, all I really wanted to say, was, thank you.”
— Carter Webb, In The Land Of Women
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
trust HIM.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau ampunkan lah dosa-dosa ku, ibu bapaku, adik-beradik ku, kaum keluarga ku, sahabat handai ku, serta mereka yang aku sayangi.
Kau selamatkan lah mereka daripada kejahatan, kecelakan, kemalangan serta kejahilan.
Kau kuatkan lah iman mereka, ingatkan lah sentiasa mereka pada mu Ya Allah.
Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku.
Kau jauhi aku dari sifat amarah dan segala dosa-dosa besar. Kau kuatkan lah hambamu yang lemah ini sesunggunhnya kami dijadikan lemah dan sentiasa memerlukan pertolonganmu Ya Allah.
Berikan-lah aku petunjuk serta kekuatan untuk mengharungi ujian mu Ya Allah.
Amin Ya Rabbi Allamin
p/s: Pesan mak; Biarlah orang marah2, jangan kte marah2, orang yang marah2 ni sbenanya dia marah dekat diri sendiri. Sebab dia tak dapat apa yang dia nak.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tak nak makan!
Dengan itu!
Cure Diarrhea - 3 Ways To Cure Diarrhea
1. Firstly, people suffering from diarrhea have several misconceptions. They think that if they drink too much water, it will increase their diarrhea problems. This is a big misconception. In fact, when you are under diarrhea treatment, drinking water and other fluids is very important in order to compensate your body for the lost fluids. In addition to drinking water, you also need to take fruit juices, soft fruits, and vegetables in order to give your body the required amount of electrolytes.
Fruits? Vege? Ai like. My fren dh habaq dh. Asek terlupa mau pegi bli buah. Pasni kena makan buah and minum friut juice.
2. Another way to cure diarrhea is by drinking a glass of fruit juice with a pinch of salt and one teaspoonful of honey (or one tablespoonful of sugar) added to it. Non-caffeinated drinks are also good for diarrhea. If you follow this route be sure to drink at least one glass of water containing one-quarter teaspoon of baking soda in order to compensate your body for the lost electrolytes.
Glass of juice + salt+honey. I'll work this out. Doctor dh bg air garam tamao amik. Tasedap la yg itu! Haaa. Nak bwat sendiri. Gedik!
Non-caffeinated drinks? Tot that minum "teh pekat" can stop diarrhea meh? Tea got caffeine oso rite. Hmmmm..
3. Medicines are also a good way to cure diarrhea. If you want to cure diarrhea fast, you can take medicines such as loperamide (Imodium®) and bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol® and Kaopectate®). You don't need a doctor's prescription in order to buy these drugs. However, you need to be careful with these drugs. If your diarrhea gets worse even after two days, you should stop the consumption of these medicines.
One thing you should note is that you should NOT take these medications if your diarrhea is caused by bacteria. Because in case of bacterial diarrhea, the above-mentioned medications trap the bacteria inside the intestine which makes the problem worse. So, if your diarrhea is caused by bacteria, you should take antibiotics.
Haaaa.. medicine. Hehehe. Ubat? Hee :D Ade, ade. Been prescribing. But tertinggal rumah kawan. Dh saket baru mencari. Apa lah.
Well, wish me to 'GET WELL SOON'!
Salam :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
I hate it.
I'll sing it one last time for you,
Then we really have to go,
You've been the only thing that's right,
In all I've done.
And I can barely look at you,
But every single time I do,
I know we'll make it anywhere,
Away from here.
Light up, light up,
As if you have a choice,
Even if you cannot hear my voice,
I'll be right beside you dear.
Louder louder,
And we'll run for our lives,
I can hardly speak I understand,
Why you can't raise your voice to say.
To think I might not see those eyes,
Makes it so hard not to cry,
And as we say our long goodbye,
I nearly do.
Light up...
Slower slower,
We don't have time for that,
All I want is to find an easier way,
To get out of our little heads.
Have heart my dear,
We're bound to be afraid,
Even if it's just for a few days,
Making up for all this mess.
Snow Patrol - Run
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Blaja,blaja and terus blaja!
" Life is indeed meaningful, because we'll never run out of lesson!"
Ever wonder why we cried so much, why we hated something so much, why we had fall hard too many times? Is when God want us to learn! The reason is why we never run out of lesson is maybe because, we're human, NOT GOD.
We are definitely going to make mistakes. But the main reason is that, we had to learn from our mistake.
And never! Never blame anyone from what happen. Blame yourself. I knoe, its sound like a loser. It's not blaming, but more on correcting what's in you. Thus, we can learn, and turn out to be more meaningful and beautiful human being.
I never blame for people who always get me pain in the ass. That's life.That how life is. REALIST!
"You grieve you learn, you choke you learn, You laugh you learn, you choose you learn, You pray you learn, you ask you learn, You live you learn" - You Learn, Alanis Morissette
Sometimes things turn out to be not in our way, indeed, because it will be always God's ways. So you had to wait when it's finally God's time.
Stop crying your heart out - Oasis.
Sory sayang, that I had to leave.
It is just that I've been holding on for quite sometime and I could not take this anymore. Im in love with you for too much until I'd hurt my self. You know that I've been not eating kan? You know that I had lose my weight, you know that I've diarrhea ever since. My heart aches every time I think of you. I could not bear this pain long enough. I got so many things to do and to think of. I got myself to take care of, I got career to start off, and I got my family to take care of. Maybe we're just right love at the wrong time. Still,we got many years and dreams to catch.
After 3 years, we still finally manage to actually met each other. And you still remembered things I actually didn't. And surprisingly remembered things I thought you wouldn't had remembered. You still remembered every little significant things about me. I found it so flattered. So why not wait for it okay? Wait until we finally settled down and get down into some serious thing. If it meant to be, and it is. I need you still, yes I miss you, but things aren't working for us now. I'm tired. After all these 3 years you still remembered every single thing, though we had not met each other. Then, that we are in love, I'm sure you could never forget how it meant for us. You still got many things to learn and equipped yourself sayang. You still got things to manage to handle.
I could not accept that she is still around you, of what had happen my trust for you is broken. You and her still got things to settle, and I don't want to be in it. It's better that I'll just leave.
Hari-hari orang susah hati, and have doubts for you.
Remember that what we want to had, dreams we build together. I never had love somebody so much as I had love you sayang, I had never felt so much being nobody but myself when im around you sayang. We had the greatest laugh together, greatest moment together. But I never felt hurt like this before. Well maybe, "True love hurts the most". Mungkin nasib tak menyebelahi org, and maybe org perlu belajar banyak lagi. And maybe you too.
Sory sayang. Sory that I had to stop, maybe someday we'll start it again. And maybe things will start coming back again. I want to be with you when there will be always me in you and no body else :'(
Take care much love..
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
This is sux!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Thank U?
"How bout me not blaming you for everything,
How bout me enjoying the moment for once,
How bout how good it feels to finally forgive you,
How bout grieving it all one at a time".
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
How cud you.
We spend less hours,
Tot that you'll be busy,
Because you say so before we're together.
Is all what I pursued,
Tot that you used it for good,
All the time you were with her.
You lied,
When I was here,
All time waiting for you.
You hold my face with your hand,
Look me in the eyes,
Saying that you're marrying me.
I say,
I cud had break my heart then,
You say,
"You are what I want, please dont leave me".
How cud you,
How cud you,
Now that I had wonder,
If all what you did or say was true and pure,
How cud you.