Shocked, but still. this is absolutely me. huh!
(some facts I get from random post by friends in FB)
People who born in November is..
Stubborn and hard-hearted. - hoooo. memang. ada batu dudok ini dalam.
Strong-willed and highly motivated. - yes i am!
Sharp thoughts. - ngeee. ye kot. kadang2 blur jugak.
Easily angered. - sometimes. darah panas.
Attracts others and loves attention. - everybody does. duhhh. maybe because i do a lot of talking kan. of coz i love attention. xkan nak ckp sorg2 pulokkkk. :P
Deep feelings. - yes, yes, yes.
Beautiful physically and mentally. - hehehe. tanak la masuk bakul angkat sndr plak kan. ngeee :D
Firm Standpoint. - yeszaaa. wen i dont want, i dont want la! :P
Needs no motivation. - sometimes, terlebeyh motivated. sometimes seek, n hunger for one jugak.
Shy towards opposite sex. - hahaha. ye ke? ye la kot. dulu lagi terokkk.
Easily consoled. -haah! memang pon. hmm :)) well pleased..
Systematic (left brain). - kadang2. i kinda know.. what to do next after another. tp macam kelam kabot je dunia aku. hehehe.
Loves to dream. - sangattttt. banyak sgt tgk TV kot. :P chix flick! chix flick!
Strong clairvoyance. - emmm.. i donno what dis means. cud some one tell me? hikhik :p
Understanding. - i do, but not particularly THEM. because they came from a TOTALLY different planet. PLANET PELIK!
Sickness usually in the ear and neck. - haah haah. y eh? ear salu berdenggung. hmmm..
Good imagination. - hahaha. sangat. terlebeyh2. :p
Good physical. - ok kot. but pancit jugak kkdg2. strong will, but badan cannot stand. hmm. end up demam n saket.
Weak breathing. - yes i do! i have sinus. therefore, not enuf oxygen = kapla pon peninggg. blood circulation pon up side down.
Loves literature and the arts.- YJEAHHH!
Loves travelling - DOUBLE JYEAHHH!
Dislike being at home. - kaki jalan jugak. but, i think im kinda homey i guess. i love to stay at home watch TV and cook meals.
Restless. - emmmm, yes i do :(
having many children.- HAHAHA. memang pon. baru la meriah! i love kidssssss :p
Hardworking. - ble semangat ITU sudah datanggg.
High spirited. - yang ini, name dia, enthusiasticcccccc... ble bercerita. AHAHA. :D lompat2! lari2! gelak kuat2! high spirited la tu. kan?
:p end of story.
dis is basically about...